
Impossibly Tiny Embroideries Make a Big Statement as Charming Handcrafted Pins

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

The term “flair” can get a bad rap. I first asso­ciate it with the movie Office Space, which fea­tures Jen­nifer Anis­ton cov­ered in an assort­ment of cheesy pins as she wait­ress­es at a TGI Fri­days-style restau­rant. But one look at Irem Yazi­ci’s embroi­dered pins and you’ll want to sport these pieces of hand­made flair. They fea­ture the likes of fish, flow­ers, and four-legged crea­tures stitched at an impos­si­bly tiny scale. Wear one on either col­lar or as a collection—I think they look great lin­ing a pants pocket!

Fol­low Irem on Insta­gram to see when her next batch of pins will be list­ed in her online store.

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici

Embroidered pins by Irem Yazici