Illustrated products

7 of the Best Creative Products to Illustrate Your Life This Week

Creative products

This post con­tains some affil­i­ate links. If you make a pur­chase, Brown Paper Bag may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion. Learn more here.

1. Pos­i­tive Plants: Spread Kind­ness Every Day Embroi­dery by M Cre­ative J
2. Prick­ly Pear Cac­tus Back­pack by Krukru Studio
3. Yel­low Lily Bag by Baggu
4. Lady Teapot by Xime­na Heasman
5. Fox Cush­ions by Char­lotte and the Teapot
6. Kit­ty Table Lamp in Cloud by Rami Kim
7. Flower Girl Plate by Two Hold Studios

Look­ing for more cre­ative prod­ucts? Shop my past picks here!

I wrote a book about embroi­dery artist Sarah K. Ben­ning, and it’s now avail­able for pre­order! To cel­e­brate, we’ve part­nered with our pub­lish­er, Chron­i­cle Books, on a spe­cial give­away. Pre­order your copy of Embroi­dered Life  and fill out this form to enter to win a one-of-a-kind embroi­dery by Sarah!

Flower BAGGU bag

Cat lamp

Stoneware teapot

Postive Plants hoop art

Fox pillows

Lady plate by Two Hold Studios

Cactus backpack