
Hanna Konola & the Beauty in the Everyday

Hanna Konola

Han­na Kono­la is inter­est­ed in look­ing at every­day things and using them as inspi­ra­tion for her work. Based in Fin­land, she is a work­ing artist/designer/illustrator, and works with both print and tex­tiles, in addi­tion to illus­trat­ed prod­ucts. Her work is bright and cheery, often non-rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al. She’s cap­tur­ing the essence of the every­day with just a few shapes.

All images via her web­site. Shop her work start­ing in mid November.

Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna KonolaHanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola Hanna Konola