
Covers of a Teen Magazine From the Mid-2000s Recreated as Tiny Embroideries

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

Novem­ber 2005

When you were younger, did you ever read teen mag­a­zines? You know, the ones with the glossy cov­ers fea­tur­ing fresh-faced tween and teen musi­cian and actors? Scott Walk­er pays homage to them by embroi­der­ing their covers—complete with por­traits of peo­ple and text—in an impos­si­bly small scale onto cloth nap­kins. So far, he has stitched a trio of 2005, 2006, and 2007 issues of Tiger Beat. Each holds an incred­i­ble amount of detail. Divorced from the con­text of a nap­kin, you’d nev­er think it was just a few inch­es large.

In his artist state­ment, Scott explains, “[He] grew up with a mom who embroi­dered and a grand­ma who knit­ted, along with oth­er female fam­i­ly mem­bers work­ing in fiber crafts. Scot­t’s craft­work imi­tates these labors of love.” But, he goes beyond hon­or­ing those who car­ry these passed-down tra­di­tions. “Through his work, Scott grap­ples with the queer expe­ri­ence. He con­fronts mas­culin­i­ties that cause him dis­com­fort. His work is also nos­tal­gic, revis­it­ing a child­like ver­sion of him­self and cel­e­brat­ing aspects of him­self that he hid out of shame when in the closet.”

See what Scott is up to now on his Insta­gram.

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

Decem­ber 2006

Small fiber art by Scott Walker

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

March 2007

Small fiber art by Scott Walker

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s

Embroidery art of Tiger Beat from the mid 200s