Illustrated products

You’ll Feel Like a Walking Work of Art in These Playful Illustrated Clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

If you’ve ever want­ed to feel like a walk­ing art­work, just put on the illus­trat­ed clothes of Doops Design. A pur­vey­or of bold, play­ful prints, design­er Jane Newham cre­ates the types of gar­ments that she wants to see in the world. “[I] start­ed mak­ing clothes for myself when I couldn’t find any­thing that I real­ly loved to wear that suit­ed my fig­ure,” she explains. The sur­face designs change with the sea­sons, but each has a fun, ener­getic feel. The lat­est arrival fea­tures a col­or­ful col­li­sion of cac­ti, birds, cats, and col­or wheels. Jane’s style has a ges­tur­al approach that makes each gar­ment appear as though it’s ripped from the pages of her sketchbook.

Out­fit your­self in Doops Design by vis­it­ing the online shop.

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design

Illustrated clothes by Doops Design