
Romain Laurent’s ‘One Loop Portrait a Week’

Romain Laurent - Photography


I know I don’t nor­mal­ly post pho­tog­ra­phy on this blog, but I found these GIFs by Romain Lau­rent too charm­ing not to share.

Romain is a pho­tog­ra­ph­er liv­ing in Brook­lyn. He start­ed the series One Loop Por­trait a Week to break up the monot­o­ny of his nor­mal work tra­jec­to­ry. He writes:

As most of my pho­tog­ra­phy projects fol­low a long process from incep­tion to final touch­es, I start­ed this project with the idea to cre­ate or find again some per­son­al rhythm and spon­tane­ity which are some­times hard to main­tain while work­ing on big­ger scale ideas.

All images via his Behance. He also has Tum­blr and a web­site, too.

Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography Romain Laurent - Photography