
Meticulously Crafted Collages Use Scissors Like You Would a Paintbrush

Cut paper collage by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Using the scis­sors as her paint­brush, Rocío Fer­nán­dez Fuks engages in paper col­lage mak­ing of sto­ry­book scenes.  Her lat­est series is called For­est & Ocean, and it depicts three places—two tree­hous­es and a meet­ing underwater.

Rocío has a great cut paper style that mim­ics a brush or a pen. Her shapes and edges are imper­fect; if you look care­ful­ly, you can see the pen­cil lines that she’s drawn and then cuts from. The result, of tying linework so close­ly to cut­ting, is that it has movement—an apt descrip­tion for a shack sway­ing among the branch­es as well as the sea crea­tures nav­i­gat­ing around plants and a fish­er­man’s net.

This isn’t the first time I’ve mar­veled over Rocío’s col­lage paper art. In 2017, she cre­at­ed Go on Paper—a cel­e­bra­tion, among oth­er things, of ped­al-pow­ered vehicles.

Cut paper collage by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Cut paper collage by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Cut paper collage by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Cut paper collage by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks

Paper collage making by Rocío Fernández Fuks