
Embellished Coral Sculptures Promote Ocean Conservation with a Textile Twist

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Like many of us, artist Aude Bourgine is con­cerned about the adverse effects of glob­al warm­ing. Know­ing that it’s on us to raise aware­ness and ulti­mate­ly alter our behav­ior, she uses her work as a vehi­cle for change.

Aude focus­es on the ocean and crafts col­or­ful coral sculp­tures using mate­ri­als that include yarn, sequins, and beads. The col­lec­tion has cul­mi­nat­ed in a series called Poumons des océans (“Lungs of the Oceans”), which high­lights both the organ­isms’ beau­ty and more impor­tant­ly, their fragili­ty. It’s the lat­ter that Aude hopes you will take from her work. “If we do not rapid­ly change our rela­tion­ship with our envi­ron­ment, oceans will be dead by 2050,” she writes. “Their dis­ap­pear­ance will entail a dis­as­trous imbal­ance on all eco­log­i­cal, cli­mate and human lev­els.” (h/t My Mod­ern Met)

Artist Aude Bourgine crafts ocean-inspired art that raises awareness on the fragility of coral.

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

We must act now to combat the effects of global warming, and her dazzling textile sculptures, kept in bell jars, offer a reminder of that.

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­to by Fred Margueron

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Textile coral by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Coral sculpture by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Ocean-inspired art by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Coral sculpture by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Coral sculpture by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron

Coral sculpture by Aude Bourgine

Pho­tos by Fred Margueron