
Alluring Abstract Embroideries Celebrate Vibrant Color and Dazzling Texture

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

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Ruth Hugh­es, aka Wild Floss Embroi­dery, cre­ates abstract hoop art that is a cel­e­bra­tion of vibrant col­or and daz­zling tex­ture. The designs fea­ture bursts of fuzzy yarn that are pulled in tight with French knots and small areas of bead­ing. With leaf motifs vis­i­ble in some pieces, I can’t help but imag­ine these hoops as land­scapes to imag­i­nary worlds where lush scenery leads you deep­er into beau­ti­ful unchart­ed territory.

Ruth sells her abstract embroi­deries in the Wild Floss Embroi­dery Etsy shop. Fol­low her work in progress on Insta­gram!

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Hoop art by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract hand embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery

Abstract embroidery by Wild Floss Embroidery