
Festive Frosty Paintings Invite You into an Idyllic Winter Wonderland

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Maybe you don’t want to live in a win­ter won­der­land, but Vanes­sa Bow­man will have you wish­ing that you did. Her land­scape oil paint­ings add an idyl­lic and tran­quil touch to white weath­er scenes. Among the snow on the ground are mag­nif­i­cent homes (includ­ing cas­tles) as well as sleds and sheep.

Vanes­sa is inspired by the coun­try­side around her home. “She paints fea­tures left by the work­ing of the land, punc­tu­at­ed by sea­son­al landmarks—such as skele­tons of trees in win­ter or hedgerow flow­ers in sum­mer,” her web­site explains. Framed in a fes­tive array of berries, rose hips, and cow pars­ley, these works invite you in and encour­age you to stay awhile. Enjoy the view!

Fol­low Vanes­sa’s work on Insta­gram.

Walk into a snowy wonderland with Vanessa Bowman’s winter art.

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman

Winter art by Vanessa Bowman