
Weavings and Wrappings Form Stunning Textile Art to Wear Around Your Neck

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Fiber artist Sum­mer Moore has cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of hand-woven jew­el­ry called LESH. The state­ment-mak­ing pieces show­case the beau­ty of tex­tiles by comb­ing chunky ropes, intri­cate weav­ings, and col­or­ful fringe into wear­able art.

Sum­mer’s work was ini­tial­ly inspired by, she writes, of “antique Andean tex­tiles through­out the Sacred Val­ley of Peru.” She lat­er com­plet­ed an artist res­i­den­cy in Ibrahim­paşa, a small vil­lage in Turkey. There, she “immersed her­self in weav­ing com­plex fiber jew­el­ry and exper­i­ment­ing with hand-dyed mate­ri­als.” The expe­ri­ence informed what LESH is today.

LESH has many pieces now avail­able online, and you can fol­low Sum­mer’s work in progress on Insta­gram.

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH

Handwoven jewelry by LESH