Illustrated products

Illustrated ‘Tokens of Love’ are a Personalized Way to Give the Gift of Time

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

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Did you ever make IOUs? You know, the kind of coupons that some­one can redeem for “break­fast in bed” or a “home-cooked meal.” They offer per­son­al­ized kind­ness that high­lights the self­less act of gift giv­ing. I was remind­ed of these spe­cial coupons when my pal Jor­dan Sondler sent me some of her lat­est cre­ative prod­ucts—one of them is Tokens of My Love: 24 Redeemable Coupons for Friends, Cou­ples, and Fam­i­lies.

Pack­aged in a col­or­ful tube, the flower-shaped tokens each have a dif­fer­ent illus­trat­ed IOU. In a busy world, these remind us to slow down and spend time with peo­ple we love or to give them the gift of our time. Some of my favorites are “a per­son­al man­i­curist” and a “brunch date.”  One token is for child or pet care! They are made of a thick paper­board and the back has a place to write your recip­i­en­t’s name.

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

In the same aes­thet­ic vein, Jor­dan has also illus­trat­ed a diary called Keep Out! A Nos­tal­gic ’90s Diary. If you grew up in the 90s (me), then you prob­a­bly remem­ber these type of diaries being all the rage. (I had a Kerop­pi jour­nal in 7th grade.) The hard­bound book fea­tures illus­trat­ed bor­ders, stick­ers, and plen­ty of space to write all your thoughts and feel­ings. A smi­ley face charm will help you keep your place.

Keep Out! Illustrated diary by Jordan Sondler

Keep Out! Illustrated diary by Jordan Sondler

Pho­to: Clark­son Potter

Keep Out! Illustrated diary by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of My Love and Keep Out! are both avail­able on Amazon.

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler

Keep Out! Illustrated diary by Jordan Sondler

Tokens of Love, personalized IOUs by Jordan Sondler