
Dried Leaves Find New Life Through the Art of Crochet

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Susan­na Bauer trans­forms dried leaves into small sculp­tures and works of fiber art. Using a com­bi­na­tion of cro­chet and stitch­ing tech­niques, she pierces each brit­tle blade to embell­ish or recon­fig­ure the leaf struc­ture. The results are exquis­ite and show­case Susan­na’s incred­i­ble craftsmanship.

There is a fine bal­ance in my work between fragili­ty and strength,” Susan­na explains. “Lit­er­al­ly, when it comes to pulling a fine thread through a brit­tle leaf or thin dry piece of wood, but also in a wider con­text — the ten­der­ness and ten­sion in human con­nec­tions, the tran­sient yet endur­ing beau­ty of nature that can be found in the small­est detail, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and resilience that could be trans­ferred to nature as a whole or the sto­ries of indi­vid­ual beings.”

Susan­na’s leaf art is now on view at the Muriel Guepin Gallery in NYC.

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer

Leaf art by Susanna Bauer