Embroidery / My Studio

Curious Cats Who Love Plants Live the Dream in These Hand-Stitched Embroideries

Cat embroidery

It’s not often that I post any­thing about my own work; I like to focus this web­site on oth­ers! In addi­tion to writ­ing, how­ev­er, I embroi­der. I’m pret­ty slow, most­ly because I have lim­it­ed time in my day to ded­i­cate to stitch­ing. But I’ve tak­en sev­er­al of those embroi­deries and opened an Etsy shop!

The one-of-a-kind cat embroi­dery is all inspired by what I see every day in my home—my adorable cat Sadie try­ing to eat and sniff all the plants. She loves them and can’t get enough; maybe it’s the same for you or some­one you know. This hoop art pays homage to curi­ous kit­ties like Sadie as well as beau­ti­ful plants. (Not shown is the numer­ous times I have to recon­fig­ure plant arrange­ments because most of them aren’t good for cats.)

I will be adding new embroi­deries as I fin­ish them. All of them come ready to hang on your wall… or what­ev­er way you choose to dis­play it! To see my work in progress and get shop announce­ments, fol­low my embroi­dery Insta­gram, @brwnpaperbag_stitch.

Cat embroidery

This one sold already, but I’ll be cre­at­ing more like it.

Cat embroidery

Cat embroidery

Cat embroidery

Cat embroidery Cat embroidery

Cat embroidery

Hand embroidery of cats and plants

Hand embroidery of cats and plants

Cat embroidery

Cat embroidery