
Jack Bailey’s Calming Palette

Jack Bailey - Illustration

One time in school, a crit­ic told me that I used too many col­ors, crit­i­ciz­ing my under­stand­ing of col­or the­o­ry. Since then, I’ve been drawn to works that are lim­it­ed in their palette, study­ing how oth­ers get by with only using 5 vs. 50 colors.

Jack Bai­ley is a good exam­ple. Not only is his work graph­ic, shal­low depth of field that I love, but he does it only using blues with a lim­it­ed num­ber of reds and pinks. His choice of col­or is very calm­ing, despite how des­per­ate some of these scenes are. It took me a while to even notice that the guy above has his arm cut off!

All images via his Flickr and web­site.

Jack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - IllustrationJack Bailey - IllustrationJack Bailey - Illustration
Jack Bailey - Illustration