
Stocky Ceramics Take on a Soft Touch Thanks to a Watercolor-Like Approach

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Artist Elise Lefeb­vre com­bines the exact­ing edges of ceram­ics with a sur­face treat­ment akin to water­col­or. Her chunky forms, fea­tur­ing por­traits of ani­mals and peo­ple, are expressed with care­free flu­id­i­ty you’d find in paint­ing. They have dif­fused edges of col­ors that flow into one anoth­er and an uneven appli­ca­tion of pig­ment you’d find in a wash that was applied with a paint­brush. This strikes a nice bal­ance between hard and soft—an allur­ing visu­al combination.

To pur­chase Elise’s water­col­or ceram­ics, fol­low her on Face­book to see pop-up loca­tions and when she places a small selec­tion of them for sale through her online shop.

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre

Watercolor ceramics by Elise Lefebvre