
Highly-Textured Embroideries Will Make You Dream of Floating in Tranquil Lagoons

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Fen­ny Suter of Suter Design & Co. cre­ates idyl­lic land­scapes using a punch nee­dle and thread. She com­bines a mix­ture of stitch­es to vary the textures—perfect for show­cas­ing the dif­fer­ent parts of a lagoon. She’s used the appliqué in the water, satin stitch to con­vey big banana leaves, and knot­ted stitch­es as tall grass and vines. In each image, there’s a small per­son enjoy­ing their time alone in a great big world. It is cur­rent­ly cold and rainy in Min­neapo­lis. How soon can I get to her vaca­tion escapes?

Fen­ny sells fin­ished pieces through her online shop.

Want to get away? Fenny Suter’s embroidered landscapes will make you dream of floating in a lagoon.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Hand embroidered landscapes by Fenny Suter

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.

Embroidered landscapes by Suter Design & Co.