
Embroidery Stitched Atop Carefree Watercolor Washes is Portraiture Reimagined

Embroidery and painting by Taisiya Kovali

Artist Taisiya Kovali fus­es paint­ing with an embroi­dery tech­nique known as thread paint­ing to craft exquis­ite por­trai­ture. Start­ing with a detailed pen draw­ing and flu­id wash­es of vibrant col­or, she then stitch­es atop the paint­ing. The thread offers a way to refine her sub­ject mat­ter while giv­ing it depth and form; the stitch­es are point­ed in dif­fer­ent direc­tions to round out the face and show the unpre­dictabil­i­ty of hair.  Beneath it all, the wash stays vis­i­ble and offers a sat­is­fy­ing foil to the pre­cise lines of thread.

From the looks of her Insta­gram, it seems that Taisiya has only recent­ly start­ed this body of work. I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing more—including the fin­ished ver­sions of the pieces she has already started.

Embroidery and painting by Taisiya Kovali

Embroidery and painting by Taisiya Kovali

Embroidery and painting by Taisiya Kovali

Watercolor painting and embroidery by Taisiya Kovali

Watercolor painting and embroidery by Taisiya Kovali

Watercolor painting and embroidery by Taisiya Kovali

Watercolor painting and embroidery by Taisiya Kovali