
Wear a Fried Egg on Your Shirt Thanks to These Quirky Embroidered Brooches

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

I don’t know about you, but I am not a flashy dress­er. Most of my clothes are black, blues, and mut­ed pink tones; I most­ly stay away from wild prints. Where I have some fun, though, is in art­sy acces­sories that accent my oth­er­wise plain ensem­bles. Fis­tash­ka Art is one mak­er ensur­ing that we can show off our cre­ative side. The Russ­ian artist cre­ates embroi­dered brooches that fea­ture a thread paint­ing tech­nique to stitch por­traits of plants, ani­mals, and icon­ic artists. Each uses a sin­gle stitch like a brush stroke to build col­or and form—often on top of detailed underpaintings.

Fis­tash­ka Art sells her work on Etsy. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on now.

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art

Embroidered brooch by Fistashka Art