
Ambitious 100 Day Project Encourages the Playful Side of Cut Paper Collage

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

The idea of “play” is impor­tant in an artis­tic prac­tice. Hav­ing the time to fol­low cre­ative whims—to try things that both suc­ceed and fail—will help you devel­op your visu­al lan­guage and hone your process. Julie Hamil­ton uses her Insta­gram to do this as she doc­u­ments her cut-paper col­lages. Using bits of col­or and bold shapes, she has a myr­i­ad of indi­vid­ual ele­ments that are then arranged into com­po­si­tions that are rem­i­nis­cent of still lifes.

Julie reg­u­lar­ly par­tic­i­pates in 100 day projects, in which she explores a con­cept or theme over the course of about three months; she’s in the midst of one now and over two-thirds of the way done. “This year is about paint­ed papers and col­lage,” she explained. “Start­ing small and work­ing towards big. Dif­fer­ent col­or sto­ries. Big­ger shapes. More tex­ture. Always a bit of explo­ration and learning.”

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Julie Hamilton's 100 day project explores cut paper collage

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Cut paper collage by Julie Hamilton

Julie Hamilton's 100 day project explores cut paper collage

Julie Hamilton's 100 day project explores cut paper collage

Julie Hamilton's 100 day project explores cut paper collage

Julie Hamilton's 100 day project explores cut paper collage