
Digitally Delightful Landscapes Invite You to Look Around and Stay A While

Digital illustration by Jane Newland

Near­ly every week, Jane New­land gives you a burst of wan­der­lust with her dig­i­tal illus­tra­tions. The detailed land­scape art depicts places des­o­late island escapes and patch­es of for­est where there’s no one else around. And if you were to be there, you’d be sure to get lost in the tan­gles of branch­es or fields of wild­flow­ers. But look­ing at the col­li­sion of col­or, tex­ture, and wide, open spaces, I don’t think that these nat­ur­al “obsta­cles” would be any prob­lem. I wel­come them!

Digital illustration by Jane Newland Digital illustration by Jane Newland

Digital illustration by Jane Newland

Digital illustration by Jane Newland

Digital illustration by Jane Newland

Digital illustrations by Jane Newland

Digital illustrations by Jane Newland

Digital illustrations by Jane Newland