
Illustrated Ladies Find Their Place on Stylish Ceramic Mugs and Planters

Black and white ceramics by Miri Orenstein

Some­times, an illus­tra­tion real­ly shines when it finds its right for­mat. Miri Oren­stein found this out when tak­ing her work from 2D to 3D. Her black and white ceram­ics fea­ture strik­ing por­traits of women which appear both on mugs as bowls as well as small sculp­tures. Mak­ing this shift changed how she thought about her work.

For years I have been paint­ing and illus­trat­ing wom­en’s char­ac­ters, usu­al­ly with­out a ful­fill­ing pur­pose,” she explains. “After mov­ing to NYC from Israel, I began to take pot­tery lessons. I instant­ly fell in love with the process and the abil­i­ty to make my own prod­uct from start to finish.”

Mir­i’s pieces rep­re­sent her “women” with a pur­pose. “Each one has a char­ac­ter, per­son­al­i­ty, and voice of her own. They adorn func­tion­al or dec­o­ra­tive items that will bright­en your day.”

You can buy Mir­i’s work in her online shop. Fol­low her work in progress on Insta­gram.

Ceramic planters with paintings of women by Miri Orenstein

Ceramic planters with paintings of women by Miri Orenstein

Ceramic planters with paintings of women by Miri Orenstein

Black and white ceramics by Miri Orenstein

Black and white ceramics by Miri Orenstein

Illustrated coffee mugs by Miri Orenstein

Illustrated coffee mugs by Miri Orenstein

Illustrated coffee mugs by Miri Orenstein

Black and white ceramics by Miri Orenstein

Black and white ceramics by Miri Orenstein

Illustrated coffee mugs by Miri Orenstein

Ceramics with paintings of women by Miri Orenstein