
Delicate Paint Washes Offer an Ethereal Touch to Stitched Hoop Art

Embroidery and painting illustration by Abigail Halpin

Abi­gail Halpin has a thriv­ing illus­tra­tion prac­tice, and she often sup­ple­ments it with del­i­cate embroi­dery paint­ing. Here, she off­sets the visu­al heav­i­ness of thread with light paint wash­es that pro­vide a beau­ti­ful ethe­re­al­i­ty to her hoop art. The thread is used as a way to define these neb­u­lous so that they have some struc­ture while still cel­e­brat­ing one of the best things about waterbased-paints—their abil­i­ty to cre­ate care­free, flu­id forms.

My tex­tile work focus­es on por­trai­ture,” Abi­gail says, “recre­at­ing faces through embroi­dery. I pri­mar­i­ly use reclaimed mate­ri­als (such as vin­tage linens and post­cards) as sub­strates, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to reuse what would oth­er­wise be for­got­ten or dis­card­ed. I am inspired by work­ing with these sur­faces as they give me a nar­ra­tive to build on and a sto­ry to complete.”

Fol­low Abi­gail on Insta­gram to see her work in progress and oth­er cre­ative endeavors.

Painting and embroidery illustration by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery and painting illustration by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery and painting illustration by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery and painting illustration by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery painting illustration by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery painting by Abigail Halpin

Embroidery and painting illustration by Abigail Halpin