Illustrated products

Adorable Undersea Creatures are the Perfect Home for Wild Air Plants

Ceramic air plant holders by Cindy Searles

After years of see­ing air plants and read­ing about them online, I final­ly got a set of my own. And let me tell you—they are great! Air plants require lit­tle care and can eas­i­ly adorn ceram­ics that aren’t equipped to hold their root­ed coun­ter­parts. (I have a cou­ple in a Pon­der­ing Planter by Two Holds Stu­dios!)

Cindy Sear­les is an artist cre­at­ing cozy homes for oth­er­wise lone­ly air plants. Her hang­ing ceram­ic air plant hold­ers will take you under the sea and are a fash­ioned after octo­pus­es, jel­ly­fish, nau­tilus­es, and oth­er marine crea­tures. Craft­ed in a myr­i­ad of col­ors, each comes with an 18-inch steel cable that’s ready to add an under­sea twist to your room. Some of them even wear hats.

Cindy sells her air plant hold­ers, in addi­tion to many oth­er vari­eties of ceram­ic planters. So, if you pre­fer to stay on dry land, she’s got hedge­hogs, cats, and much more in her Etsy shop.

Ceramic air plant holders by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles

Ceramic air plant holder by Cindy Searles