
Bird-Inspired Embroideries are a Unexpectedly Contemplative Look at Our “True” Selves

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Amy Jones finds inspi­ra­tion in our feath­ered friends, and her love of birds is at the fore­front of her embroi­dery art. The New Zealand-based artist stitch­es dis­tin­guished por­traits of bud­gies that offer a tra­di­tion­al view of them. She also cre­ates anoth­er type of homage that’s off­beat, curi­ous, and allur­ing; fash­ion­ing birds as masks, her stitched peo­ple wear their col­or­ful feath­ers and point­ed beaks over their faces. They are devoid of a back­ground, and the fig­ures exist in an in-between space.

The result­ing hoop art are por­traits that sym­bol­ize the dilem­mas that each of us faces every day—what do we show the world? Our true inner selves, or a col­or­ful dis­tract­ing mask?

Amy sells her work in her Etsy shop, Cheese Before Bed­time.

Through colorful embroidery art, Amy Jones creates portraits of budgies…

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

… as well as alluring bird-inspired masks.

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Embroidery art by Amy Jones

Bird embroidery art by Amy Jones

Surreal hand embroidery by Amy Jones