
Tactile Hoop Art Inspired by the Colorful Beauty of Floating Gardens

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Chilean born, Cana­da-based Katy Biele is one of my favorite embroi­dery artists work­ing today. Com­ing from the back­ground of a draw­er and painter, her tex­tile art often fea­tures a col­or­ful array of bold blooms. Years ago, she began trav­el­ing “on a mis­sion to seek out tex­tiles and paint­ings of oth­er coun­tries,” and dur­ing her trips, she start­ed imag­in­ing an “end­less gar­den of flow­ers float­ing in the water.”

This prompt­ed a theme of float­ing gar­dens in her work—one that was per­fect for embroi­dery. “It allowed me to play with tex­tures and bring more life to the flow­ers,” she writes. “I began to devote the major­i­ty of my cre­ative time to stitch­ing hand embroi­dery pieces and it has proven to be my most ful­fill­ing and well-received body of work to date.”

Katy has released more orig­i­nal hoop art with the same tac­tile blooms that I fell in love with; she’s also includ­ed a por­trait and beau­ti­ful acrylic paint­ing wash­es, too. They’re now avail­able in her online shop, in addi­tion to hand embroi­dery kits (with video instruc­tion).  To see her work in progress, fol­low her on Insta­gram!

Using vibrant colors and a variety of stitches, Katy Biele creates textile art inspired by floating gardens.

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Hoop art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Embroidery art by Katy Biele

Textile art by Katy Biele

Hand embroidery by Katy Biele

Hand embroidery by Katy Biele

Hand embroidery by Katy Biele