
Richly-Layered Collage Illustrations Are Paintings with Scissors

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Illus­tra­tor Eric Car­le was one of my ear­li­est mem­o­ries of illus­trat­ed books. You know his work—he’s the cre­ator of The Very Hun­gry Cater­pil­lar and oth­er titles. I espe­cial­ly loved his tech­ni­cal approach. His col­lage illus­tra­tions are rich in col­or and tex­ture. It’s this same qual­i­ty that attract­ed me to the work of Alice Lind­strom. In ear­ly 2016, I mar­veled over her art his­to­ry-inspired col­lages and their com­plex paper arrangments.

Since then, Alice has con­tin­ued to devel­op her cut-and-paste tech­niques and uses them in fash­ion-for­ward por­traits and land­scapes. They feel con­tem­po­rary but still, take their cues from decades past.  She explains, “[Her] aes­thet­ic draws on diverse influ­ences, includ­ing mid-cen­tu­ry illus­tra­tion and design, folk art as well as Mod­ern art movements.”

Alice sells her work as prints through her online shop.

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustration by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustrations by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustrations by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustrations by Alice Lindstrom

Collage illustrations by Alice Lindstrom