
Curious Nature-Inspired Sculptures Emerge from Everyday Objects

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Stephanie Kil­gast cre­ates curi­ous land­scapes that grow from unlike­ly places. Bro­ken plates, alu­minum cans, and glass jars host vibrant life-like forms. “My work is an ode to life, where plants and fun­gi meet insects, ani­mals, and min­er­als,” she writes. “These encoun­ters are grow­ing in a col­or­ful swirl of diver­si­ty, and the errat­ic growth devel­ops on the sub­ject, in a dia­logue between human­i­ty and nature.”

Stephanie posts her clay sculp­tures (and work in progress) on Insta­gram. And if you’re won­der­ing the mate­r­i­al she uses to con­struct her small sculp­tures (I know I was), it’s poly­mer clay.

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast

Contemporary sculpture by Stephanie Kilgast