Embroidery / Illustrated products

Hand-Embroidered Hats Let You Root for Your Favorite Team… Flowers

Do you wear hats? I don’t, but I could be per­suad­ed with these embroi­dered hats by Lexi Mire. She takes oth­er­wise ordi­nary ball­caps and adorns them with a vari­ety of col­or­ful flow­ers. These are all cus­tom jobs; through Etsy, Lexi allows you to pick any spe­cif­ic flower you like in addi­tion to a col­or scheme. The result is some­thing you will love and wear when­ev­er possible—even indoors (is that still a faux pas?)

Lexi shares her work in progress and fin­ished pieces on her Insta­gram. She also has a mail­ing list for shop updates.

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Embroidered hats by Lexi Mire