
Quirky Collage Illustrations are Pieced Together Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Elisa Carareto cre­ates col­lage illus­tra­tions that remind me of jig­saw puz­zles. Spe­cial­iz­ing in bold, quirky char­ac­ters, she pieces togeth­er dif­fer­ent col­ors, tex­tures, and papers until the forms find their nat­ur­al “fit”. The blocky fig­ures are then refined with her draw­ing and paint­ings, which add fine details and pat­tern­ing to the coarse­ly-chopped rec­tan­gles, cir­cles, and tri­an­gles. This dual­i­ty is part of their charm and results in lay­ered illus­tra­tions that beg more than a pass­ing glance. So go ahead, take a gan­der. If you’re like me, you’ll want to bust out your paper and X‑Acto knife afterward.

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustration by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustrations by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustrations by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustrations by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustrations by Elisa Carareto

Collage Illustrations by Elisa Carareto