Embroidery / Illustrated products

Impressionist-Inspired Embroideries Turn Ordinary Clothes into Wearable Works of Art

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

It’s been over two years since Moscow-based Lisa Smirno­va’s cus­tom embroi­dered cloth­ing has made an appear­ance on Brown Paper Bag. In 2016, she col­lab­o­rat­ed with fash­ion brand GO (by Olya Glagol­e­va) on the project Artist At Home. The col­lec­tion fea­tured cozy fab­rics adorned with Lisa’s Impres­sion­ist-like stitch­es in abstract pat­terns. Since then, she’s con­tin­ued to stitch on cloth­ing and trans­form oth­er­wise ordi­nary gar­ments into col­or­ful works of art. Her recent works are a more fig­u­ra­tive approach and fea­ture the likes of ani­mals, flow­ers, and oth­er nat­ur­al ele­ments spread across the bust and backs of jack­ets and shirts.

Lisa shares her work in progress through Insta­gram, but she does­n’t reveal how you can buy one of her wear­able works of art. (She does share her email address via Insta­gram, so that’s prob­a­bly the first step!)

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova

Custom embroidered clothing by Lisa Smirova