
Hoop Art Fuses Knotted Stitches with Painterly “Strokes” of Thread

Hand embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

The exquis­ite sur­face pat­tern in the above embroi­dery by Maria of Desert Eclipse Stu­dio was what first attract­ed me to her work. Using a com­bi­na­tion of knot­ted stitch­es and painter­ly appli­ca­tions of col­or, she com­bines them into visu­al­ly daz­zling hand embroi­dery scenes that cham­pi­on rich col­or schemes and vari­a­tions of texture.

The for­ay into por­traits rep­re­sents some of the first in her port­fo­lio. Pre­vi­ous­ly, Maria incor­po­rat­ed this same com­bi­na­tion of tight knots and long, grace­ful threads in inte­ri­or scenes–but, she’s just get­ting start­ed. It was just last year that she had ” 5–6 full box­es of floss and the guilt of it just sit­ting there final­ly became too much.” I hope she con­tin­ues with the portraiture!

Hand embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio

Embroidery hoop art by Desert Eclipse Studio