
Terrarium-Inspired Embroideries Given a Sculptural Twist With Crepe Paper

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

The embroi­dery hoop is a great place to be nowa­days. Artists are stitch­ing beau­ti­ful and cre­ative works that fit with­in the con­fines of a cir­cle, but as we’ve seen, there are many who think beyond it. This is both lit­er­al­ly and figuratively—and in the case of Helen Wilde, she builds out­sides the con­fines of the two-dimen­sion­al sur­face. Her embroi­dery art com­bines crepe paper and thread to build sculp­tur­al ter­rar­i­ums on the stretched fab­ric. At first glance, how­ev­er, you’d nev­er real­ize that the plants were made of fab­ric; they look like twist­ed thread.

So, how does Helen work her mag­ic? In an Insta­gram post, she reveals, “[It is] is crepe paper,” she explains, “lots of lit­tle leafs twist­ed to cre­ate the suc­cu­lent.” She’ll soon be mak­ing kits so you can try the effect for yourself.

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde

Embroidery art by Helen Wilde