Illustrated products

7+ of the Best Creative Products to Illustrate Your Life This Week

Illustrated product obsessions, February 2

1. God­dess planter by Rose Grown (pho­to via Sum­mer Oakes)
2. The Love Below hoop art by Thread Honey
3. Self-love pock­et mir­ror by Bod­il Jane
4. Lla­ma ceram­ic yarn bowl by Barruntando
5. Cat + tiger pin by Jen Collins
6. Sweater dress by Don­na Wil­son (pho­to by Amelia Pem­ber­ton)
7. Gold leather Matisse inspired ear­rings by Benu Made

If you’re local to San Fran­cis­co, here’s a show to check out this week­end. Brid­get Wat­son Payne has a col­lec­tion of new draw­ings that are apt­ly titled Every­day Objects. On view at Rare Device, the exhi­bi­tion fea­tures “val­orized quo­tid­i­an items that serve as a reminder of the sig­nif­i­cance and beau­ty of the ordinary
stuff in our every­day lives.” The draw­ings them­selves are charm­ing, and they include sub­jects as seem­ing­ly mun­dane as pen­cils. But alone on paper, the uten­sils are exquisite.

Pencil Painting by Bridget Watson Payne

Every­day Objects is now on view until March 5.