
Spark’ Your Creativity with 60 Joyful Journal Prompts (+ Giveaway!)

Journal Sparks by Emily Neuberger

Have you ever shut down your com­put­er or closed your lap­top case and breathed a sigh of relief? I rel­ish the feel­ing of dis­con­nect­ing from the online world like that. But then, there’s the feel­ing of “What should I do now?” It’s easy to get wrapped up in Wikipedia arti­cles online, but offline? Not so much. Well, I’ve got a sug­ges­tion for you: pick up a copy of Jour­nal Sparks: Fire Up Your Cre­ativ­i­ty with Spon­ta­neous Art, Wild Writ­ing, and Inven­tive Think­ing. Writ­ten by Emi­ly Neuburg­er, it’s a “launch­ing pad” that offers 60 jour­nal prompts to get your cre­ative juices flowing.

Here are just some of the things you’ll do with Jour­nal Sparks: draw a crea­ture with your non-dom­i­nant hand; map your neigh­bor­hood; write tiny poems; and my favorite, cre­ate a col­lage from torn paper. Some of them seem total­ly wacky, but they’re all ways in which you can exer­cise your brain to come up with new ideas. And, there’s a lot of encour­age­ment through­out the pages. Emi­ly includes exam­ples of jour­nals from peo­ple of all ages.

In addi­tion to the great ideas and inspi­ra­tion, the book has col­lage papers and stick­ers for you to use dur­ing their exer­cis­es. If this all sounds excit­ing, guess what—I’m giv­ing a copy of Jour­nal Sparks to one lucky U.S. read­er! Head on over to my Insta­gram for more.

Journal Sparks

Creative journal prompts

Creative Journal Prompts

Creative journal prompts

Creative Journal Prompts

Creative journal prompts

Book spreads (not photos) are excerpted from Journal Sparks, © by Emily K. Neuburger, used with permission from Storey Publishing.