
COMING SOON: ‘Lost Dogs’ by Eleonor Boström



At the end of this month, I’m launch­ing Lost Dogs, an online solo exhi­bi­tion by Eleonor Boström that will appear on eyra’s web­site.

I had mul­ti­ple dogs grow­ing up. One in par­tic­u­lar was a cock­er spaniel named Char­lie. He was row­dy and full of ener­gy, and one time ate a pound of uncooked ham­burg­er. He was great! Eleonor gave me a lit­tle insight to her show, which was par­tial­ly inspired by her old dog:

I do func­tion­al sculp­ture. Depict­ing dogs more then often. But now the dogs are with­out func­tion on a jour­ney some­where and have lost their lug­gage. Inspi­ra­tion for ‘Lost Dog’ comes from child­hood car­toons (many of them made by Per Åhlin or Don Bluth), the sea and my old dog Tess.

I’m  excit­ed about trans­lat­ing tan­gi­ble objects and mak­ing them fun for the web. Since eyra is com­plete­ly online, I’m look­ing for­ward to dis­play­ing Eleonor’s work in a way that do the 3D ver­sions jus­tice (like stop motion animations!).

For now, here’s a sneak peak of what’s going to be in the show. See the full thing on Thurs­day, August 29!





