
1 Theme, 5 Ways: Sketchbooks That Are Handheld Works of Art

Illustrated sketchbooks

The sketch­book is a pow­er­ful place. It’s a place where artists and illus­tra­tors can play—try out new tech­niques, sub­ject mat­ter, or even jot down the occa­sion­al note. Many peo­ple pre­fer to keep these books pri­vate, and I don’t blame them. They can be incred­i­bly per­son­al spaces. So, I’m always delight­ed by those who choose to let us in on their sketchbook—it’s like see­ing how some­one’s mind works.

There are some who, with lit­tle effort, are able to make every page of their sketch­book look like a fin­ished work of art. These books, in turn, are not just places to jot down lists or make a sil­ly doo­dle. Rather, they’re inti­mate gal­leries that trav­el with them as they move through­out the world.

Here are 5 dif­fer­ent illus­tra­tors who take the sketch­book to a whole new level.

Illustrated sketchbook of Carolyn Gavin

Illustrated sketchbook of Carolyn Gavin

Illustrated sketchbook of Carolyn Gavin

Carolyn Gavin

If you want to see some amaz­ing paint­ing take place, just watch Car­olyn Gav­in’s videos on her Insta­gram. Using gouache and oth­er water-based media, vibrant bou­quets of flow­ers come alive before our eyes.

Illustrated sketchbook of Sarah Walsh

Illustrated sketchbook of Sarah Walsh

Illustrated sketchbook of Sarah Walsh

Sarah Walsh

Sarah Walsh paints gouache delights on the spreads of her sketch­book. From por­traits to ponies, they’re a com­bi­na­tion of fan­ta­sy and diary of her life at that moment.

Illustrated sketchbook of Stephanie Birdsong

Illustrated sketchbook of Stephanie Birdsong

Illustrated sketchbook of Stephanie Birdsong

Stephanie Birdsong

Stephanie Bird­song’s sketch­books are col­or­ful records of her day-to-day life. (The pages are even dat­ed.) Look close­ly and you’ll see that the col­lage spreads con­tain to-do lists, fun doo­dles, and inter­est­ing cutout images.

Illustrated sketchbook of Abigail Halpin

Illustrated sketchbook of Abigail Halpin

Illustrated sketchbook of Abigail Halpin

Abigail Halpin

Some­times, it’s hard to tell where Abi­gail Halpin’s sketch­book ends and her “fin­ished” illus­tra­tions begin. They often feed off one anoth­er, with sim­i­lar, almost inter­change­able motifs of leaves and long-haired ladies.

Illustrated sketchbook of Julianna Brion

Illustrated sketchbook of Julianna Brion Illustrated sketchbook of Julianna Brion

Julianna Brion

Julian­na Brion recy­cles old books for her illus­tra­tive exper­i­ments. Beneath the col­or­ful paint­ings and draw­ings are bits of text—here, they’re obscured become a base of tex­ture for her work. It pro­vides Julian­na’s sub­jects a ground to stand on.