Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated product obsessions, November 18

1. Dou­ble Daisy Flower Girl Head Vase by Dim + Sum
2. Paint­ed Spoon Por­trait by Emma Lisette Palmer (She’ll cre­ate a cus­tom one for you!)
3. Roach Clip Neck­lace by Eri­ca Weiner
4. Woven blan­ket by Slow­down Studio
5. Siamese Cat Book­marks by Sonia Cavallini
6. Owl Tat­too Tights by Stern Tights
7. Ceram­ic Chub­by Cat Yarn Bowl by Barruntando

Illus­tra­tor Mol­ly Walsh cre­at­ed this illus­tra­tive print in the wake of the elec­tion. It’s inspired by a quote by Greek poet Dinos Chris­tianopou­los and was done out of her sad­ness, as well as a way to take action—Molly donates 100% of the print­’s pro­ceeds to the Amer­i­can Civ­il Lib­er­ties Union, who work to pro­tect the rights of all peo­ple in the Unit­ed States.
