
Camille Jacquelot


I’m glad I’ve start­ed tak­ing sub­mis­sions through Tum­blr. I actu­al­ly remem­ber to check each sub­mis­sion, and there is a lot of good stuff ya’ll are send­ing me! (If you have some­thing you’d like to show me, do it here.)

Camille Jacquelot is a French illus­tra­tor whose web­site reveals very lit­tle about her. But, what I can tell is that she’s a tal­ent­ed draw­er and illus­tra­tor. Her work com­bines two tech­niques that I love — graphite with dig­i­tal col­or­ing. I love the bal­ance that it strike. Aside from this, Camille also assem­bles things, and much of her com­po­si­tions look like arrange­ments. It’s anoth­er way to strike a mood or evoke a feel­ing. A group of birds in close quar­ters, for instance, makes me feel a bit uneasy.

All images via her web­site.






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