Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated Product Obsessions Sept. 9

1. Fairy­tale Wood Clock by IOOI
2. Daisy Flower Brooch by Iris De La Torre
3. D‑Lamp by Il Sung Na
4. Fri­da Kahlo Flower Brooch by Lou Taylor
5. 2017 Gold­en Jun­gle Cal­en­dar by Papio Press
6. Flower-Filled Cac­tus Neck­lace by Hel­lo Halsted
7. Felt Suc­cu­lent by Close Call Studio

Ben­zie Design is one of my favorite online shops—they sell the best felt, often grouped in eye-pleas­ing palettes. One is called the Cac­tus Palette, and it’s the per­fect com­ple­ment to their recent­ly-cre­at­ed felt cac­tus DIY. Week­end project, anyone?
