Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated product obsessions
1. Eyes Pouch by Zana Products
2. Ser­pent Heart Clutch by Pop­py Lis­si­man (thx, Lisa!)
3. Wood­en Girl Clock by Lawrence Slater at Beach London
4. Mir­ror Masks by Areaware
5. Anteater Ceram­ic Planter by Cum­bu­ca Chic
6. Mir­ka Ser­pent Ear­rings by Gorman
7. Cat Toy Cat­nip Sar­dines by Miso Handmade

I love mak­ing these col­lages each week—and look­ing back on the old ones. There are def­i­nite­ly themes that emerge through­out my illus­trat­ed prod­uct obses­sions, such as eyes. I love things with eyes on them!

What about you? Are there cer­tain design ele­ments that you grav­i­tate towards?