Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Wood­en House Plants by
2. Get Your Chloro­phyll Duvet Cov­er by Modcloth
3. Bear Pin by Hör­tie shop
4. Smil­ing Pil­low by Ele­na Sánchez Santos
5. Per­son­al­ized Cat Brooch by Makiko
6. Clay + Pat­tern Hand Paint­ed Neck­laces by
7. House Plant Mobiles by Natal­ie Joy

I was real­ly into soft col­ors (and gold) while mak­ing this list.

I’m cur­rent­ly in Austin, Texas at ICON9, an illus­tra­tion con­fer­ence. It’s a great cre­ative recharge, so I’ll see ya’ll next week. And if you’re at ICON9, come find me and say hi!