
Forget Face Planters: Haired Jars are Just the Vessels You’re Looking For

Laura Bird haired jar

If you’ve fol­lowed this blog for a while, you’ll know I have a deep love of face pots. Well, they now have a wor­thy oppo­nent: haired jars. This delight­ful­ly strange clas­si­fi­ca­tion describes the work of ceramist Lau­ra Bird, who crafts heads sport­ing styl­ish hair­dos that you then lift to reveal what’s inside. The inte­ri­ors are glazed with a shiny, clear fin­ish so they’re able to hold liq­uids. What a fan­tas­tic addi­tion these would be to your bar.

Lau­ra sells a vari­ety of ceram­ics in her Etsy shop, includ­ing vas­es, plates, and small sculptures.

Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar Laura Bird haired jar

Laura Bird