
1 Theme, 5 Ways: Illustrators and Fashionable Ladies


At its core, illus­tra­tion is visu­al prob­lem solv­ing. When work­ing with a client, for instance, you have to learn how to adapt your artis­tic lan­guage and style to the brief or arti­cle. Like­wise, when you’re pro­duc­ing sur­face pat­terns for a prod­uct, you have to take into account the object on which it will appear.

With these chal­lenges come a myr­i­ad of ways to tack­le or “solve” them, and noth­ing demon­strates this idea bet­ter than high­light­ing one sub­ject and many illus­tra­tors. Here are 5 of ’em (and cer­tain­ly not all) mak­ing illus­tra­tions that focus on fash­ion­able ladies.



Per­rin (one of my best pals!) cre­at­ed a series of works that “explore the rela­tion­ship between gar­ment and envi­ron­ment.” Her fig­ures accom­pa­ny all sorts of love­ly details like intri­cate lace pat­terns, bloom­ing flo­rals, and the macabre.




Natalie Foss

Natalie Foss

Oslo-based illus­tra­tor Natal­ie Foss com­bines a can­dy-col­ored palette with a style that’s simul­ta­ne­ous­ly graph­ic and real­is­tic. Body parts—primarily the face—are han­dled with a del­i­cate real­ism, while cloth­ing looks incred­i­bly flat and two dimensional.

Natalie Foss

Natalie Foss


Kelly Beeman

Kelly Beeman

I’ve writ­ten before about Kel­ly Bee­man and her elon­gat­ed fig­ures rem­i­nis­cent of the artist Modigliani. They’re ele­gant and rep­re­sent high-fash­ion looks—I want to wear them all!

Kelly Beeman

Kelly Beeman


Kathleen Marcotte

Kathleen Marcotte

Kath­leen Mar­cotte recent­ly illus­trat­ed fab­u­lous ladies inspired by the fash­ions of Anna Sui. The images are busy, lush scenes where pat­terns collide.

Kathleen Marcotte

Kathleen Marcotte


Madalina Andronic


Madali­na Andron­ic focus­es her illus­tra­tion style on Slav­ic folk art with a touch of fairy tale. Despite these his­toric roots, her work is contemporary—I could see these as edi­to­r­i­al fash­ion spreads. Madali­na’s fig­ures don gor­geous hair­styling and make­up and prove that clothes aren’t always necessary.


Madalina Andronic
