
eyra in progress: Lost Dog by Eleonor Boström



Since yes­ter­day was the 4th of July here in the US, I took the day off from blog­ging. I shopped at a mall in the sub­urbs. Does it real­ly get more patriotic?

I usu­al­ly post about eyra on Thurs­days, but with my absence yes­ter­day that leaves it for today. I’m real­ly excit­ed to share work from eyra’s upcom­ing show. It’s a solo exhi­bi­tion by illus­tra­tor Eleonor Boström. I’ve post­ed about her work before; she makes won­der­ful ceram­ics that have a ton of per­son­al­i­ty but are also func­tion­al (like salt shak­ers, cups, etc.).

Eleonor was kind enough to share some in progress work from Lost Dog, which pre­miers on eyra.co August 22nd. She’s cre­at­ed ceram­ic dogs before, but for this exhi­bi­tion, she pairs them with the high seas in pieces that can go togeth­er or exist on their own.

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