Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

1. Pouch Cats by k studio
2. Eye Leather Case by La Lisette
3. Pega­sus Lock­et Neck­lace by Bon­bi Forest
4. Wood­en Flow­ers by Anna Wiscombe
5. Ceram­ic Cac­tus-Shaped Vase by Oli’s Cupboard
6. Ceram­ic Lla­mas by Small Wild (Sad­ly, these aren’t for sale yet.*)
7. Siren Cloud Soap by Vice & Vel­vet (veg­an)

*Sign up for the Small Wild mail­ing list for info on when they’ll drop!

Have you ever heard the expres­sion we eat with our eyes? It’s true! Pack­ag­ing and pre­sen­ta­tion makes a huge dif­fer­ence in our per­cep­tion of how good some­thing prob­a­bly is. These illus­tra­tive wrap­pers by Inna Voevo­d­i­na cre­ate the impres­sion of high qual­i­ty (and deli­cious) choco­late bars… I want to eat ’em all then frame the packaging.


Hap­py weekend!