Illustrated products

My 7 Weekly Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Lash­es Small Dish by Clemen­tine Store
2. Mini Cac­tus Ban­ner by Marigold and Mars
3. Col­or­ful Wood­en Neck­lace by pipapiep
4. Stephen the Mouse Ceram­ic Bowl by Clay Opera
5. Set of Tea Tow­els by Sam Kal­da for West Elm
6. Vas­es Tray by Depeapa
7. Ceram­ic Pink and Yel­low Pol­ka Dot Jew­el­ry Bowl by jen e

Hap­py Fri­day! And, hap­py first full week of 2016! I am just get­ting over a nasty cold and feel like my old self. It final­ly feels like my year is just begin­ning, espe­cial­ly since the last week­end was spent on my couch binge watch­ing Hap­py End­ings.

Here’s one oth­er prod­uct obses­sion for this week: cac­ti coast­ers. I am some­one who needs a coaster—I hate con­den­sa­tion rings. I like this dis­play because it dou­bles as an art object, and would look great in your home when the coast­ers aren’t in use. Buy it here.