Illustrated products

Charmingly Illustrative Mugs, Rugs, and iPhone Cases Available on Society6

I’m always amazed at the vari­ety of prod­ucts that Society6 offers. You could out­fit your home and wardrobe through their site, with unique designs to boot. Here, I’ve picked out some mugs, rugs, iPhone cas­es, and tote bags that have caught my eye, but they offer much more than that, includ­ing: show­er cur­tains (I bought this one), t‑shirts, lap­top sleeves, and clocks.

To cel­e­brate the hol­i­day sea­son, Society6 is offer­ing 20% off home decor and free world­wide ship­ping for today (Wednes­day, Decem­ber 2) only. Here are a some of my favorites!

Tote Bags

Throw Pillows



iPhone Cases

…and a blanket!