Collage / Printmaking

Leah Durant

Based in Leeds, Leah Durant states that her pri­ma­ry pas­sion is pho­tog­ra­phy, which is meld­ed with print­mak­ing, col­lage, and drawing. 

In col­laged pieces, Leah’s pho­tog­ra­phy is often non-spe­cif­ic and enlarged to high­light tex­ture. Aes­thet­i­cal­ly, I love the dif­fused nature of her mark-mak­ing and pho­tos, which speaks to the larg­er scope of her work. She writes: 

The inten­tion of my work is to visu­al­ly record the sub­tleties in every­day life that we do not always notice or appre­ci­ate. For exam­ple, the idea of paus­ing and enjoy­ing a moment that is right there in front of our eyes, such as a shad­ow on a wall, a piece of paper in the wind, or a reflec­tion in a win­dow. Through cap­tur­ing details of things that may seem insignif­i­cant in our dai­ly lives, the frag­ment­ed beau­ty of the sub­ject is brought to the fore­front and chaos is pushed back. Ulti­mate­ly, the raw puri­ty and fragili­ty of the image is unravelled. 

All images via her website/Tumblr.





