BPB Projects / Collage / My Studio

My Studio: A New Collage Self-Portrait for Skillshare!


A cou­ple of weeks ago, I launched a class on the online learn­ing site, Skill­share. It’s called Paper Art: Cre­ate a Cut Paper Self-Por­trait, and it demon­strates how to make a fun col­laged pic­ture of YOU! I take you from start to fin­ish: the sketch phase to paper selec­tion to the final por­trait. Through­out the videos (which, col­lec­tive­ly, are about 20 min­utes long), I use this example:


It’s a cou­ple of years old at this point and outdated—now, I have super short hair, am sans Mon­roe pierc­ing, and I don’t wear glass­es (all the time) any­more. So, for the class, I decid­ed to make a brand new self por­trait to share with the stu­dents. (PS: you can enroll any­time! Please do.)


Here’s my col­lage self por­trait that’s cur­rent­ly in progress. I have a ref­er­ence pho­to, sketch, and a bunch of paint­ed papers that I’m using for my skin, eyes, hair, and cloth­ing. I plan to have the entire thing fin­ished this week. I’ll post it on class’ project page once I’m done.

Part of my paper stash.

Part of my paper stash.





Want in on the fun? Join me!